Sunday, May 19, 2024

An exorcist is needed to sort out Eurovision 2024 and Ireland’s troubled contestant (Opinion)

Myopia has plagued my family as far back as can be traced. The family vault holds images from the end of the 1800s of women in their forties all wearing glasses. My grandparents’ 10 children and 39 grandchildren all wear glasses. My own children wear glasses. My brother went out with a girl who dumped him once she found out he wore glasses: “I don’t like any weakness,” she declared, before finding herself a job with the Humanists.

It’s likely that the weak genes of my ancestors will be eliminated at some point in the future, and if not the genes, then the people, whose corrective lenses will cost more than an armful of barbiturates; perhaps also because even with myopia, you can still be capable of seeing what is really going on.

In a society which legitimises eugenics under cuddly names like planned parenthood and medical assistance in dying, what we really need is exorcists to wheedle out generational evil spirits.

As Bambie Thug, who is also known as the Goth, Gremlin, Goblin Witch, is given a platform to act out her adolescent rebellion for the Oh-so-daring Republic of Ireland on stage at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest tonight, some will be shocked, while others will see it as final confirmation of the existence of, not so much an intellectual dark web, rather a Dunces Dark Web.

The Dunces are called so because they firmly believe they are transgressive whilst fitting predictably into a pattern laid long before them. My home country  of Ireland has become an embarrassment, like the ghetto blaster pumping out Michael Bolton from the corner of a tired old café in 2024, the poor eijits think they are cool kids on the block as they try to shock the world with ideas inherited from some of the saddest and most broken people of yesteryear. 

Ireland’s 2024 Eurovision entry is a self-described “queer, Ouija popstar” who – yawn – “uses non-binary personal pronouns”. Perhaps she was influenced by watching the Disney show “Little Demon” about a single mom attempting to live a normal life with her anti-Christ daughter, whilst being constantly thwarted by monstrous forces including Satan who yearns for custody of his daughter’s soul.

In her 2023 book The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Destroyed Us, Carrie Gress writes: “The satanic, the occult and the esoteric have been swirling in our culture for a long time”. In the 1980’s Madonna (everyone’s favourite grandmother, last seen prancing around in her underwear on Copacabana beach) was at the forefront of the occult trend. As Gress notes, Madonna “introduced iconoclastic pop paganism that desecrated the Virgin Mary, Christ, the saints and the priesthood”, while “her songs such as Like a Virgin and Like a Prayer, profaned the sacred”. Her 2012 Superbowl half-time show was riddled with satanic imagery. 

Poor little broken Bambie Thug is the inevitable consequence of a movement stretching back centuries; there is nothing especially daring about her. What she does helpfully do is to conflate feminism, satanism and trans ideology in the public consciousness. 

Feminism as a movement is rooted in ideals to recreate and reshape society in a world without God, as explained by Carrie Gress when she writes: “What emerged from the social rubble of the French revolution were new fault lines of conflict where the older questions informed by sacred ideals were attacked and replaced under a new desacralised order. The French revolution was the first major break with the sacred order around which western society and culture had been arranged for centuries in the Judaeo Christian tradition.”

Out of this rupture burst new narratives focused on power relations: the oppressor and the oppressed, the bourgeois and the proletariat, men and women.  It opened the door for the (oftentimes) damaged and depraved loudmouths to set the agenda for the rest of us. 

Calls were made to rise up and smash the boundaries that prevented our freedom. Free love, sadism, masochism, polyamory, spiritualism, were all encouraged as ways to demonstrate the smashing of boundaries that apparently enslave us. According to such narratives we should be free to have sex with whoever we want, at whatever age we want. 

The origins of Bambi Thug go way back to such figures as Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, who left a trail of used up women and dead children in their wake; the self-described sexologists Dr John Money, who coined the term gender identity, and Alfred Kinsey, who interviewed paedophilic men who sexually abused children and infants, then argued the cries of protest and pain were “orgasm”; Simone de Beauvoir who, influenced by the Marquis de Sade’s politics of rebellion and torture, claimed that “one is not born a woman, but rather becomes one”.

There is nothing radical or transgressive about any of this guff in 2024.  What would be radical and transgressive would be a return to the Sacred Order and recognition that without the coherence that it brings, we can never truly be free.

For all young women who have been fed the feminist propaganda, believing it to be a movement in their best interests, look at Bambi Thug’s performance at Eurovision this evening, then look at the Virgin Mary and consider whether you haven’t in fact been fed a pack of lies.