Siegrist stressed that the Shrine of the Apparitions in Pontevedra “has a very similar impact and continues the message of Fatima” and therefore “we cannot allow it to continue in this dilapidated state.”

“If it should be said that faith is expressed by its manifestations, of course, if this manifests faith and our love for the Virgin, it would make you break out in tears,” the priest commented.

Siegrist encouraged everyone to “collaborate in this beautiful undertaking that is to spread the message of the Immaculate Heart and the need to console the heart of the Virgin so surrounded with thorns for the sins that we ungrateful men pierce it with.”

The Shrine of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in Pontevedra was acquired by the Spanish Bishops’ Conference in 2021 to try to save it from the state of neglect it was in. It previously was owned by the World Apostolate of Fatima in Spain.

The repair project will cost nearly $900,000, of which barely $250,000 has been raised, although it has been enough to complete the first phase, consisting of completing the roof and redoing the floor of the cell where Sister Lucia received the apparitions.

Sister Lucia was visited by the Virgin Mary with the Child Jesus in this place Dec. 10, 1925. According to Lucia herself, the Child said: “Have compassion for your Mother’s heart. It is surrounded with thorns that ungrateful men pierce at each moment, and there is no one who does acts of reparation to remove them.”