This is what Redemptorist Fr. Cris Mostajo says to Agenzia Fides illustrating the activities of the conference which celebrates the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Cebu. More than 700 people are present at the Congress, which began 16th. February.
Fr. Mostajo says: "We are saddened by the fact that despite the faith of the Filipinos and devotion to the Virgin Mary, many are fascinated by the culture of death and indifference".
"Today we are faced with the sad reality of our country where the sanctity of human life is violated by a kind of 'cleansing' of undesired members of society" he explains. "It is necessary that faith affects the life of the believer".
During the Congress the presence and role of women in the Church, the history of Marian devotion in the Philippines will also be discussed.
There will also be the testimonies of missionaries, teachers and spouses and liturgical celebrations which will involve the faithful.
Even the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the Redemptorists explain to Fides, "may be the wellspring of personal redemption: If alcoholics and drug addicts approach the sacrament, this may be the beginning of a path of healing and rehabilitation".
The Redemptorists promote meetings and accompanying paths reserved for people struggling to get out of drug and alcohol addiction, gambling.