The Rt Rev Clive Gregory oversees West Bromwich and Wolverhampton, both of which saw rioting and looting in recent days.
He said the areas had witnessed two different realities but that the
true side of the Black Country was the solidarity shown by the people.
“We have seen the destruction and fear that comes in the wake of lawlessness and greed,” he said.
“We have also seen communities coming together to repair and rebuild
and to stand alongside those who have been victimised by violence.
“It is this togetherness that shows the true face of the Black
Country and from this solidarity we will gain the strength to build a
better future.”
Christians across Britain have been holding prayer vigils and helping
out in the many clean-up operations that sprung up via Facebook and
St Mary the Virgin church on Landsdowne Road in Tottenham, where the
violence erupted, has been distributing meals and providing hot water
and mobile phone charging for those left without electricity, allowing
them to stay in touch with loved ones.
In Wolverhampton, a city centre service is being planned for next
week, while in London hundreds of Christians are expected to gather on
Saturday at the Westminster Methodist Central Hall for a time of prayer
hosted by Premier Radio.
The heavy police presence has helped to restore order on city streets
again but questions remain about why the riots broke out and what can
be done to ensure they never happen again.
The Bishop of London, Dr Richard Chartres, said the events in London had been “appalling but not wholly unexpected”.
He said: “Whatever the real motivations of those who have brought
violence to our streets, there will be a proper time for sober analysis
and an assessment of the role of gang culture in the capital.”