Friday, February 03, 2012

U.S.: No "onboard prayers" on flights

"Onboard prayers" have been forbidden on flights. 

Starting February 1, Alaska Airlines ended a tradition begun in the '70s: that of including flyers with phrases from the Old Testament on meal trays handed out to passengers. 

These odd little cards bore images from nature (waterfalls, mountains etc.) embellished with verses from the Psalms. 

Phrases like: "Praise the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever."

The Christian Post, which published the news of the "cut", reported that although Alaska Airlines ceased providing a meal service six years ago, the tradition of on-board prayers has been kept alive.

Then came the protests of some travelers who felt offended by the leaflets, protests that the company has decided to act upon. 

"It's a decision we have not taken lightly," wrote the company brass, CEO Bill Ayer and President Brad Tilden, in an email to its customers, "but we believe it is the right thing to do, to respect the different religious beliefs of our customers and our employees." 

Mission accomplished.