Friday, February 14, 2025

Priest who served on Tory Island named in child abuse investigation

A deceased priest who served as curate on Tory Island in the 1980s has been named in a report on child sexual abuse complaints in the Jesuit Order.

Fr Diarmuid Ó Péicín, a native of Dublin, ministered in the Raphoe diocese from 1980 – 1984. He was a prominent campaigner for the preservation of life on Tory island.

The late Fr Ó Péicín is one of 15 deceased Jesuits accused of child sexual abuse following an investigation by the order. The names of the priests and details of the allegations against them have been published today to reach people who had been sexually abused by Jesuits as children and to invite them to engage with the Order and speak about their abuse.

There are two complaints of child sexual abuse against Fr Diarmuid Ó Péicín SJ in 1964, 2004 and 2005.

In 1964 the Superior of a religious congregation raised a complaint with the Jesuit Provincial about Fr Ó Péicín’s conduct with schoolgirls during a school retreat. The conduct she described would be considered child sexual abuse. It is recorded that Fr Ó Péicín was to be withdrawn from school retreat work. However, there is no information showing that any follow up in this regard happened with him.

Fr Ó Péicín subsequently had a complaint of child sexual abuse made against him in 2004 and another complaint in 2005. In 2004 he was required to step aside from public ministry, and the Order reported the allegations to the Gardaí and the HSE. Following a Garda investigation, the DPP issued a direction not to prosecute.

Fr Diarmuid Ó Péicín SJ died on March 4, 2008.

In an apology, the Jesuits ask anyone who has suffered abuse or has any concerns relating to any Jesuit to contact their safeguarding office (email:; mobile: 083-0874254) and/or the relevant authorities.

Monsignor Kevin Gillespie, Diocesan Administrator of the Diocese of Raphoe has responded to the report and said:

“The information now placed in the public forum by the Jesuits is hugely disappointing for those who held Fr Ó Péicín in such esteem, not least for his advocacy for the rights of islanders. It adds to the sad litany of hurt compounded by the failure to act adequately to protect the children entrusted in their care. I sincerely apologise to those who have been directly affected, their families and wider community. 

“The purpose of this release of information by the Jesuits is to encourage others to come forward who may not have had the strength to do so before now. Therefore, I encourage anyone who may have been abused, or is suspicious of any abuse, to report it to the state authorities, the diocesan Safeguarding Office or the Jesuit Safeguarding Office immediately.

“To report a concern, or complaint of child abuse, either current or historical, please contact Margaret Northage, the Designated Liaison Person for the diocese, on: 086 2183 011.”

To contact the Irish Jesuits directly: 


Helpline mobile number: 00-353-83-0874254 (8am to 8pm daily, including weekends)

Jesuit Provincialate reception (9am to 4pm, weekdays): 01-4987333

You are advised also to contact statutory authorities:  

Tusla (Child & Family Agency) – Tel:  074 9102233 

Gardaí National Protective Services Bureau – Tel: 01 6663430/6663435 or email :

Free Counselling & Support is available through Towards Healing, an independent organisation providing professional support for people who have experienced institutional, clerical or religious abuse in Ireland.  

Freephone –  RoI:  1800 303416 

Freephone – N.Ireland & UK:  0800 0963315 

Freephone – Hearing Impaired:  085 8022859