Dear Ukrainian friends. I would like very much to have been with you to pray for your country and for your people, on this the third anniversary of the Russian invasion. I think most of you would have hoped to be able to return before now to your homes in Ukraine.
It is important not to lose hope. As you know, here in Ireland, we went through thirty years of shooting, bombing and burning. It was not as bad as in Ukraine, of course, but it was vicious and it seemed that it would never come to an end.
Eventually, through the grace of God, wise voices began to be heard on both sides and the weapons were destroyed.
Pope Paul VI (in Populorum Progressio) wrote “peace is the fruit of justice”. That is why making peace is often much slower than ending violence, because because real peace is only possible with a return to right relationship. That takes time. I understand that, for you, it is very difficult to even think of peace, while your land remains occupied and so many have died. But a just and casting peace must be our hope and our clear intention. Otherwise we are condemned to a struggle that never ends. We Christians can take heart from the words of St Paul, which were used to open this Jubilee Year of Hope: “Hope does not disappoint us because the love of God is poured into our hearts, through the Holy Spirit who is given to us.”
Building on the words of Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II wrote “peace is the fruit of solidarity”. Ukraine has taken a courageous stand against occupation you are in the front-line, but you are not alone. We want to support you in whatever way we can. Our solidarity is not against the Russian people, but against the evil that is done in their name.
May God bless and protect your homeland and your people, and may he give you His peace. Eternal rest grant to all who have died, O Lord. May they rest in peace.
+Bishop Kevin Doran