The Catholic Church in Poland criticises new guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Prosecutor General Adam Bodnar on abortions.
"The content of the guidelines and the way they are very concerned about the content of the guidelines and the way they are very concerned", says a by the expert panel of the Polish Bishops' Conference on Bioethics.
The aim is obviously to pursue abortions without ethical consideration and against protection provisions of the Constitution.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk, together with Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna and Minister of Justice Bodnar, who is also a Attorney General, presented the guidelines for clinics and prosecutors on Friday.
According to Tusk, the new provisions are intended to help doctors and prosecutors "on the women's side". He spoke of "compliant procedures that enable access to legal abortion in practice."
Previously, a motion for the restrictive abortion law had failed in parliament - also due to the resistance of Tusk's small coalition partner, the conservative PSL. That is why the guidelines are currently the only viable way, said the liberal Prime Minister.
The church , things, effectively banning consultations to investigate the reasons for abortion.
"These guidelines violate the legally enshrined doctor's right to call a competent specialist on their own initiative", said the Bishops' Conference, headed by the Lublin auxiliary bishop Jozef Wrobel.
Health Minister Leszczyna, on the other hand, sees the recommendation of a specialist as sufficient.
"If a woman goes to a psychiatrist, for example, and the latter believes that there is a risk to her mental health, the certificate he issues for abortion is sufficient," she said.
Poland has one of the most restrictive abortion laws in Europe.
Abortion abortions are only permitted in case of danger to women's health or after rape.
In 2023, according to official statistics, there were 423 legal abortions.
In 2022 it was only 161. In October 2020, Poland's constitutional court had declared terminally ill foetuses unconstitutional on the abortion.
This triggered nationwide mass protest.
The Episcopal Conference published a brief prayer, which is to be spoken immediately in all the services of worship: "Let us pray for the authorities, especially in our homeland, that in their service to the nation they respect for all human existence respect for every human existence from conception to natural death."