Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Cardinal Grech honours the experiences of married priests

Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, has recognised the experiences and perspectives of a Latin American association of married priests. 

In a reply to them, he expressed his appreciation for their contributions to the Synod on Synodality, according to the Spanish portal "Religion Digital" (Sunday), but emphasised that direct participation in the assembly in October was no longer possible as the participants had already been confirmed. 

However, he assured them that their concerns would be heard: "The Lord knows how to carry your call into the synod hall," said Grech.

The priests' association had sent a letter to the Secretary General at the end of August. In it, they shared their thoughts and contributions on voluntary celibacy and asked that their participation be made possible in order to contribute their experiences so that "all fears and uncertainties can be overcome". 

It would be "good and salutary" for the Church if the topic were addressed at the synodal assembly, the letter continued. Celibacy must be "optional and not obligatory for the good of the Church and evangelisation". 

Among other things, the married priests emphasised that they recognise and support celibacy as a "gift of the Church", but are also aware that "the obligation has caused many problems throughout history".

The Synod on Synodality will enter its final phase from 2 to 27 October in Rome

 The global synodal process, which has been running since 2021, aims to create a new culture of consultation and decision-making in the Catholic Church. 

368 women and men from all continents are taking part in the Synod on Synodality.