Sunday, September 29, 2024

Southern African bishops reject same-sex blessings

The Anglican Church of Southern Africa has rejected a proposal to allow bishops to approve the giving of blessings to couples in same-sex unions in parishes which welcome the ministry.

The church’s Provincial Synod also voted against approving a set of prayers drawn up by the bishops for providing pastoral ministry to church members in civil unions.

The two proposals were voted down by a show of hands after debate at the synod on Thursday.

In his opening Charge to the Synod, Archbishop Thabo Makgoba asked: “Will we be able to craft a pragmatic, reconciliatory outcome which takes account of the differing pastoral needs for effective ministry in our varied Dioceses which are called to minister in widely divergent contexts?”

The proposals which were rejected would have only allowed blessings. One proposal specifically ruled out marriages under Canon law.

Both the motions were proposed by the Right Revd Raphael Hess, Bishop of Saldanha Bay, and seconded by the Right Revd Stephen Diseko, Dean of the Province and Bishop of Matlosane.

The full text of the motions follow:



1. Pope Francis set the debate on the blessing of same sex couples alight with new insight and illumination.

 2. The Bishop of Rome’s insight can be of great assistance to propel the Provincial Synod to assist the Synod of Bishops in its quest to provide Pastoral Guidelines for Same Sex Couples in Civil Unions, and to address the reality of sexual diversity in humanity in general.

3. The blessing of “irregular couples” as the Pope puts it, is possible because everyone is loved by God.

4. The Pope allows for the respect of conscience, and therefore not all Bishops are required to agree.

5. The Doctrine of Marriage is not compromised. Marriage is still upheld as the “union between one man and one woman for life.”

6. Civil unions however provide legal status to those who desire it; everyone has a right to legal protection before the law.

This Provincial Synod resolves to:

    a. Embrace the action of giving a Blessing to those in Civil Unions.
    b. Request all dioceses in ACSA to give blessings to those in civil unions with the proviso of the bishops’ right to withhold giving blessings to those in civil unions in their Dioceses.
    c. Bishops may grant permission to Parish Priests in Parishes where this Pastoral Ministry of giving a Blessing to a Couple in a Civil Union is welcomed.



    1. The request made to the Synod of Bishops to provide Pastoral Guidelines for the diversity of sexual orientation in the human family has been before our decision-making forums for over two decades.

    2. ACSA has wrestled with honesty and integrity on this matter and has moved very slowly on drafting the guidelines.

    3. With the promulgation of the legislation in South Africa to recognize Civil Unions, the need to craft these Pastoral Guidelines has intensified.

    4. The Archbishop guided the Synod of Bishops to write special prayers that may be used upon request by those in civil unions.

    5. The sixteen prayers have been prepared and have been in circulation since February 2023.

Provincial Synod resolves:

    a. These Prayers be commended to the Dioceses of ACSA

    b. The bishops may give permission for the use of the prayers in their Dioceses.