‘You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing; they rejoice before you’ (Is 9:2)

The Cuban shepherds recalled the words of the prophet Isaiah and prayed that God might grant “joy, peace, tranquility, and hope” to the Cuban people. They also called on the faithful to build together real possibilities so that citizens can develop their full potential in their own country.

That joy of which the prophet speaks, the bishops wrote, originates in the birth of the Child Jesus. “Jesus Christ is that child to whom the prophet was referring. And at Christmas we remember and celebrate how much God loves us, how much man is important to a God who has become man. We are never alone! God walks with us!” they stressed.

The Cuban bishops invited the faithful “to celebrate Christmas as a family and in the Christian community,” overcoming limitations and obstacles, to respond to the call of the Lord, who invites them to delve into the depth of the mystery of his Incarnation. 

“May it be a good time to share at home, to visit the sick and those who are alone, to pray more, to read and meditate on the Bible,” they encouraged.

The pastors of the Cuban faithful pointed out that the celebration of Christmas should impel believers to be better, to seek God and open their hearts to welcome Jesus Christ, and to take up again or renew the path of faith.