Saturday, November 05, 2022

Demonstration to be held outside Listowel church following priest's controversial sermon

 Demonstration To Be Held Outside Listowel Church Following Priest's Controversial Sermon

Flowers are to be laid tomorrow at the front of St Mary’s Church Listowel, the scene of controversial sermons last weekend which described gay sex as a mortal sin, and also condemned the transgender community, abortion and contraception for teenagers.

The event is organised for the LGBTQ+ community and will take place during the main Sunday mass.

Earlier this month, retired priest Fr Sean Sheehy told worshippers at the church that gay couples were sinful, and criticised free contraception being provided by the HSE as it was “promoting promiscuity”.

Members of the Green party in Kerry are supporting the gathering.

Flowers will be gathered and laid near the church to highlight that Kerry has a LGBTQ+ community and that they also belong to God, according to a statement.

"This event is in response to a sermon on October 30th made by Father Sean Sheehy that preached transphobia and homophobia. It will be a silent event that wishes to provide an opportunity to those who empathise with those mentioned in the sermon and wish to act in solidarity with the rainbow community in Kerry and throughout Ireland,” according to a statement issued by Killarney Green Party representative Diarmaid Griffin.

"It brings great sadness to my heart that someone 'so holy' can think that he can decide who are the children of God, and who is not," Dzana Raszewska, one of the organisers of the protest said.

"So this Sunday, as a support to LGBTQ+, bit also true Christians who never wanted to be part of this, we are bringing flowers in front of the church" said Dzana

"Everyone is welcome, but please note that no hate speech, anger or pointing fingers is allowed. No hate is ever healed by giving the hate back", she said.

The event will take place at 11:35am and the public are urged to bring flowers and peaceful messages.