former pupil at Rockwell College has claimed he was raped by a priest
in the college church and spent his days in the college “under a cloud
of fear”.
aged 14, David* (not his real name) claims he was raped in the school
church by Fr Henry Moloney and was sexually assaulted by him on two
other occasions, it is claimed.
has taken High Court proceedings against a nominee of the Irish
Province of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit - the Spiritans -
alleging he was subject to assault, sexual assault, battery, false
imprisonment, trespass to the person, and intentional infliction of
emotional harm, due to negligence and breach of duty, including
fiduciary duty, on the part of the order, its servants and agents.
a result, he suffered severe personal injuries, both physical and
psychological, mental distress, damage and loss, it is claimed.
is alleged the Spiritans, who ran the college, knew, or should have
known, that Moloney - who died last year and was a member of the
Congregation until 2014 - “had a proclivity towards the sexual abuse of
minors” but took no, or no adequate, measures to protect pupils.Moloney,
it is claimed, was moved from one place to another following repeated
allegations of sexual abuse by him dating back to the 1960s.
was convicted in 2000 for sexually assaulting two boys at St Mary’s
College between 1969 and 1973. He was moved in 1973 to an elite school
run by the Spiritans in Sierra Leone where he was also said to have
abused boys. In 1979, he was appointed to Blackrock College in Dublin
before being removed to Rockwell in 1980 where he remained until removed
in 1996 and put under strict supervision.
2009, Moloney was convicted of abusing two other boys at St Mary’s
College between 1969 and 1973 and in 2015 was convicted of abusing
another boy at Rockwell. He left the priesthood about seven years before
his death.
his action, David says his life was devastated by the abuse he suffered
and it caused him to feel such a deep sense of guilt and shame he was
unable to tell anyone about it until he went for counselling after his
father’s death in 2020.
claims he deals on a daily basis with anxiety, depression, a very
negative self-concept and self-esteem, disordered sleep and eating
patterns, and requires medication for cardiac issues.
The case was initiated earlier this year and a statement of claim has been served. A defence has not yet been served.
went to Rockwell in Co Tipperary in 1986 as a third year residential
boarder. On his third day, he claims he was punched in the stomach by a
teacher over being late for class. On another occasion, a dormitory
master struck him on his rear with a leather strap while he was
was in the music prefab playing the piano one day in September/October
1986 when Moloney came in, put his hands on his shoulders, asked him his
name, how he was getting on and whether he had brothers at the school,
he says. He replied he had no brothers there and told the priest about a
recent episode where he had been beaten up by three boys.
told him he would “look after him” and check up on the boys who had
beaten him before hugging him and leaving, David says.
weeks later, he was again playing the piano when Moloney came in, sat
down beside him and sexually assaulted him through his clothing, David
claims. After Moloney left, David says he was “numb with shock”.
Christmas 1986, after he met Moloney on a corridor, the priest said “I
have a treat for you” and brought him to the church where he sat him
down at the organ in the gallery, David says. He thought of pressing
down on one of the organ paddles in a bid to alert someone to his
presence but was nervous of repercussions if he did so.
priest, he claims, moved him around to the back of the organ, trapped
him in a corner and raped him, continually telling him: “This is between
you and me.” David says he suffered extreme pain then and for days
sexually assaulted him on another occasion, some weeks after Christmas
1986, after taking him to the arts and crafts building in Rockwell, he
claims. While he managed for the remainder of his two years there to
avoid Moloney by spending a lot of time with other boys, he remained in
fear and was very unhappy.
once went to the principal, Fr James Hurley, “as a last resort” and
told him he was having trouble without explicitly explaining the abuse
by Fr Moloney and Fr Hurley reassured him, he says. He ran away home
once but was returned to Rockwell after a few weeks.
told The Irish Times he supports calls for a statutory inquiry into
allegations by more than 200 people of historic abuse against 77 Irish
Spiritans here and overseas, and into the handling by the congregation
of those allegations.
A Garda investigation into his allegations against
Moloney was underway when the latter died, he said.