The Confraternities of Catholic Clergy in the US, Britain, Australia,
and Ireland, have joined in a statement calling for clarification of Amoris Laetitia.
The confraternities, representing over 1,000 priests committed to
upholding the teachings of the Church, issued a statement saying that a
definitive answer to vexed questions about the papal document is
“gravely needed to correct the misuse of the apostolic exhortation to
undermine sacred tradition.”
The statement notes that through their own pastoral experiences, the
members of the confraternities are acquainted with the complex
situations that arise from broken marriages, and the difficulties that
pastors face in dealing with the couples involved.
“This task is made
easier when the Church expounds her teaching boldly and clearly,” the
statement says.
The joint statement praises the four cardinals who have submitted dubia
asking for clarification of the papal document.
That request, the
confraternities say, was made “out of love for the Church and concern
for the salvation of souls.”