A Credit Union first launched by the Archbishop of Canterbury and
other church leaders is to expand to include eligible members of the
Catholic Church in England and Wales and in Scotland.
Approval has been given by the regulators for the Catholic Church in
England and Wales and in Scotland to become the latest Christian
denomination to be included in the Common Bond of the Churches' Mutual
Credit Union (CMCU).
The move boosts the potential membership of the CMCU by an estimated
further 37,000 people from eligible groups such as Catholic clergy and
employees of the Catholic dioceses, including Catholic schools. The
Credit Union will be rolling out membership throughout this year
starting with the Diocese of Westminster.
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, said: "I am delighted
that the Catholic Church in England and Wales and in Scotland is now
under the Churches' Mutual Credit Union umbrella, this marks a huge step
forward in our efforts to build a strong credit union sector in this
country not just in the poorest areas but for everyone," he said.
"I congratulate all those who have worked so hard to make the CMCU a
success and I look forward to seeing it continue to grow in the future."
The Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, said: "I'm
glad to become a member of CMCU. Their work today is very important as
this is a financial institution that directly reflects our shared effort
to give everyone the opportunity to manage financially and to make the
best of their resources.
"This Credit Union echoes clearly important aspects of our Christian understanding of working together for the common good."
The CMCU was launched in February 2015 by Archbishop Justin and other
church leaders with the Church of England, Church of Scotland,
Methodist Church, Scottish Episcopal Church, and the Church in Wales as
founder members.
The United Reformed Church joined last year.
At its AGM held last Friday (January 27), the CMCU celebrated a year
of growth with members approving the levels of dividend to be paid to
all savers. The Credit Union, which started with an empty balance sheet,
now has savings deposits of £2.5 million and a net loan book of more
than £1.6 million.
Ven Antony MacRow-Wood, CMCU president, said: 'I am delighted to be
in the position to report such strong growth and pleased that the credit
union is able to reflect this growth in both the rate of dividend
payable on savings and the fact we are able to announce a further cut in
our lending rates. We are a lender which can both compete in the
lending market and offer a personal and ethical service."
CMCU offers ethical investments for regular rainy day savings
accounts and larger lump sum deposits, for anyone who holds a recognised
position in a paid or voluntary capacity within the churches in the
common bond including Church Council members, elders, church employees,
and diocesan staff, as well as lay and ordained ministers.
The Credit Union also offers loans from £250-£15000 for a variety of
purposes at competitive interest rates. Membership is also open to
churches and charities within the common bond.
The CMCU was given formal authorisation by the regulatory authorities
in December 2014, after a rigorous process undertaken by the Financial
Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.
Extending the common bond to the Catholic Church in England and Wales
and in Scotland has received approval from the regulatory authorities.
For more information see: http://cmcu.org.uk/