Huang Jiefu, the Chinese official in charge of his country’s
organ-transplant program has been invited to participate in a Vatican
conference on organ trafficking, in spite of evidence that the Chinese
regime harvests organs from prisoners slated for execution.
China officially banned the practice of removing vital organs from
convicted prisoners in 2015.
But suspicions linger that some condemned
prisoners are listed as “volunteer donors” without their consent.
Chinese policies are also questioned by investigators who say that the
number of organ transplants each year is 6 to 10 times as great as the
country’s official statistics indicate.
The invitation to Huang Jiefu was extended by the Pontifical Academy
of Sciences: the same office that recently issued an invitation to Paul
Ehrlich, the discredited author of The Population Bomb and an enthusiastic supporter of contraception and abortion.
Archbishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, the chancellor of the Pontifical
Academy of Sciences, dismissed criticism of the invitation to Huang
Jiefu, saying that conference at which the Chinese official will speak
would be “an academic exercise and not a reprise of contentious
political assertions.”