"The heart of the Church of Roraima, extreme north of the Brazilian
Amazon, welcomed with joy the sister church of Padua which on Saturday,
January 21, sealed its commitment to open a new missionary front in this
corner of the Amazon, on the border with Venezuela and British Guiana".
This is what don Lucio Nicoletto, first fidei donum missionary of the
diocese of Padua told Fides, who along with Don Benedetto Maria
Zampieri, will guide São José Operario parish, in the city of Caracaraí,
almost in the center of the Diocese of Roraima.
"The path that led the diocese of Padua to mature this choice was long
and painful", says Don Lucio. "In Brazil since 1953, the Paduan
missionaries have been mainly engaged in the territory of the Baixada
Fluminense, on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. But already in the
eighties they felt the need not to reduce the missionary commitment in
Brazil only in this specific area. Today, after years of reflection,
prayer and dialogue, the churches of Padua and Roraima thank the Lord
for this epiphany of the Spirit which is visibly manifested in the
missionary commitment between two Churches in dialogue and cooperation.
In this context one cannot forget the concrete sacrifice of Fr. Ruggero
Ruvoletto, Paduan fidei donum brutally killed in Manaus in September
2009. Through his missionary experience in Manaus, he was already
working to open the eyes and heart of the Church of Padua in order to
welcome the cry of the Amazonian peoples immersed in a context of social
injustice and unprecedented environmental exploitation. His blood, a
sign of martyrdom and of prophecy, reminds us of the missionary
dimension of every baptized person and of the whole Church, a dimension
that becomes prophecy especially when he welcomes the cry of the poor
and oppressed of the world and renews the preferential option to walk
with them for Christ's sake".