Tuesday, December 13, 2016

MEXICO - Mgr. Martinez Zepeda: After 10 years of the army on the streets, the police must become stronger

It is urgent that the municipal and state police across the country become stronger, so that the military army gradually go back to their barracks, because for the past 10 years they have been called in an extraordinary way to fight against drug trafficking. 

This was stated by the Bishop of the Diocese of Irapuato, His Exc. Mgr. Jose de Jesus Martinez Zepeda, after yesterday’s Sunday celebration. 

10 years ago the Mexican army was asked to patrol the streets to counter organized crime.

"At that time, no one knew how to tackle organized crime" - said the Bishop at the end of the Mass. The Bishop also called for greater participation of citizens in social problems, because it is vital to combat crime.

"The army does not have to undertake the tasks of the police, so the police has to become stronger, but we must also transform society, because we cannot continue to be a group of people who take drugs, smokers of all types of drugs, marijuana, cocaine and then seek protection ...".

The Bishop of Irapuato concluded emphasizing that although some security strategies have failed to achieve their goal, even society is to blame because it always expects governments to change things, instead citizens must also cooperate.