Tuesday, October 15, 2013

US charity rejects controversial 'ghost burger' donation

http://www.kumascorner.com/wp-content/uploads/ghostburger-585x438.jpgAn American Catholic Charity in Chicago has rejected a $1,500 donation from a local restaurant which drew offence by releasing a burger topped with an unconsecrated host, reports the Catholic News Agency.

On October 1, Kuma’s Corner announced its new “Ghost burger,” a cheeseburger topped with red wine reduction and an unconsecrated “Communion Wafer garnish,” which the restaurant parenthetically described as the body and blood of Christ.

The burger was created as a tribute to a Swedish band called “Ghost BC” that is currently touring. 

The band is known for its satanic lyrics and themes, with its lead singer dressing as a clergy member with skull face paint and other band members wearing distorted religious images.

“In the spirit of our undying reverence for the lord and all things holy, we give you the Ghost which we think is a fitting tribute to the supreme blasphemous activities carried out by the band itself,” Kuma’s Corner posted on its Facebook page.

In another post three days later, the restaurant acknowledged that some people had been offended by the burger.