In his final Presidential address, the Archbishop of Canterbury this
evening told the Anglican Communion not to accept second best, but to
seek a balance between corrective authority and enabling authority while
still doing God’s work.
Speaking in St Mary’s Church,
Archbishop Williams said the fellowship of Anglican churches worldwide
needed to “be aware of the danger of becoming less than we aspire to be as a Communion.”
“I think that we do aspire to be a consensual
catholic and orthodox family,” he told the members of the Anglican
Consultative Council gathered for evening prayer. “I believe we do
aspire to be a family that lives in mutual respect and recognition. And
to step back from that simply into a federal model...doesn’t seem to me
to be the best and the greatest that God is asking from us as an
Anglican family."
Archbishop Rowan said he believed Anglicans
have a message to give the Christian world about how they can be “both
catholic and orthodox and consensual, working in freedom, mutual respect
and mutual restraint; without jeopardising the important local autonomy
of our churches.”
He stressed that the Anglican Communion
needed to work on the convergence of the different schemes and systems
present across the Member Churches, and find “a legal spirit, an ethos
that they share by consent and exploration and discovery rather than by
kicking the whole issue upstairs to some higher legal authority.”
Authority was a theme to which he returned time and again. He suggested that the Instruments of Communion should not only have reactive or corrective authority, but also enabling authority.
people say of Jesus he speaks with authority... I don’t think they mean
he’s just a good problem solver, those words occur when Jesus has
performed spectacular acts of liberation. The authority in question is
an authority to act and an authority to make a difference. An authority
that enables and empowers.”
The Archbishop continued, “When I
look back over ten years in this office it does seem to me that every
attempt we’ve made to pin down exactly how reactive or corrective
authority works in our Anglican family has run into the sand in one way
or another. We’ve tried to pin it down clearly here or there... but that
frustration, that discovery that it’s actually very hard to find
absolutely clear sources of authority, has to do of course with the fact
that we are a family of churches, each one of which has its own ways of
reacting, correcting and setting boundaries.”
Admitting that
the Instruments of Communion are ‘less than they might be’ Archbishop
Williams said examples of their desire to enable included such proactive
projects as the Anglican Alliance, the Bible in the Life of the Church
Project, Continuing Indaba, and promoting theological education. These
were, he said, attempts by the Instruments to try and change a situation
by being creative.
Archbishop Williams also suggested that younger Anglicans seemed more interested in one kind of authority over another.
you pick up and read the book by the young Anglican leaders who were
present at the mission consultation in Edinburgh two years ago, you will
see something of how a younger generation sees these questions,” he
said. “I believe that for the authors of that book and those whom they
represent, the vision of not only Anglican, but Christian structural
fellowship has a great deal more to do with enabling authority than with
absolute clarity about corrective authority.”
He added, “So we
stand at a very interesting and I would dare to say, in spite of
everything a very promising moment in our Communion, when we are
thinking again about how our Instruments of Communion assist us to be
the to be the Body of Christ. That’s what the Instruments
have to serve. In other words, the Instruments of Communion are
there so tzhat our Anglican family and Anglican faithful will show to
the world that the new creation truly is new, that the Church truly is
Archbishop Williams gave thanks to God for the
flourishing of the international Anglican Networks, who were represented
at this 15th meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council.
believe that the creativity of those Networks at the moment is a sign
that God is stirring up in our Communion deeply different ways of
working which will not, of course, immediately solve the problems I
began with, the problems that require the reactive or the corrective,
but which at least tell us that God does not necessarily wait until
we’ve solved our problems to enable us to be effective disciples. When
we stand before the throne of God, it will be a very poor answer if
when God says ‘Why did you not preach the gospel and serve the poor?’ we
say, ‘We had too many internal problems to resolve, we couldn’t quite
decide who had the authority to pronounce things’. God expects us to be
disciples today, not the day after tomorrow.”