OPINION: Once abortion is introduced it becomes more widespread.
Life!’ – this is the campaign call of the Catholic bishops of Ireland
to raise public awareness that every human life is beautiful and that
every human life is precious.
In the coming weeks the Government
will decide how to respond to a 2010 judgment of the European Court of
Human Rights with regard to the interpretation of article 40.3.3 of our
Constitution given by the Supreme Court in the 1992 X case.
The manner
in which it responds could allow for the introduction of pro-abortion
legislation for the first time in Ireland.
Too often abortion is
erroneously talked of as if it offers a “solution” to difficult or
tragic circumstances.
Bishops point out in our Choose Life! pastoral
message, which has been circulated to all 1,360 parishes on the island,
that the deliberate taking of innocent life can never be the basis for a
genuinely humane or compassionate solution.
international experience indicates that once abortion is introduced,
even for apparently very restricted or limited situations, it becomes
more widespread than was first intended. Our campaign calls on
Catholics to make their opposition to abortion known to our public
representatives so the safety of all children in the womb will be
preserved in our country.
The Constitution recognises “the right
to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of
the mother, guarantees in its laws to respect” that right. The clear
intention, therefore, is to protect and cherish equally the lives of
both the mother and her unborn child.
In fact, Ireland, without
abortion, is recognised as one of the safest countries in the world to
be a pregnant mother. This is something about which we should be proud
and is a tribute to the excellent care provided by hospital staff who
treat both mother and unborn child with equal dignity and respect as
people in their own right.
Clearly, if the life of the mother is
threatened, by illness or some other medical condition, the care
provided by medical professionals will make sure that she receives all
the medical care needed.
In a small number of cases, however, the
treatment given may unintentionally result in the death of the unborn
But in such cases the life is never directly and intentionally
taken and everything is done to save the child.
The key moral issue, therefore, for Catholics is that the life of the unborn can never be taken intentionally.
Catholic faith has a very clear view on the dignity of the human
person, human rights and, in particular, the right to life. For those
who view life through the lens of their Christian faith, our bodies are
sacred; temples of the Holy Spirit, created in the image of God and
redeemed through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Christians, our bodies are not our own to do with them what we will. Our
bodies come from God, are created in God’s image and destined for
eternal life with him in heaven. This is our faith and this is what
distinguishes us from those who do not share our faith.
From the
moment of conception each of us has developed as a human being, not into
a human being. The child in the womb is not a “potential” human life,
but a human life with potential.
I encourage all who wish to promote a civilisation of love to get involved; view
www.chooselife2012.ie, which hosts material for parishes and videos comprising testimonies of parents discussing life in the womb; and choose life.
Bishop of Killala and represents the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference
to the bishops conferences of England Wales, and Scotland, on “Day for
Life” matters.