Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bunbury Cathedral plans go to Council

Bunbury diocese has submitted plans to the City of Bunbury for the rebuilding of its iconic cathedral and historic Parish House.

The plans include detailed working drawings and specifications to rebuild the iconic Cathedral and restore the historic Federation Queen Anne style building affectionately known as the Parish House, a diocesan statement says.

Announcing the submission of plans and application for the building licence Bunbury Bishop Gerard J Holohan said the plans are the culmination of the past 3 years of hard work.

"The plans reflect the wishes of the community consultation held in 2005. These wishes have been brought together and turned into detailed working drawings by a dedicated team of engineers and consultants under the guidance of multi award winning architect Marcus Collins," he said.

"The Cathedral's beauty and prominence will give it a dignity and strength that everyone can appreciate. Once Council officers have processed this application we can get on with the important part of rebuilding the vital community asset," Bishop Holohan said.

Architect Marcus Collins said he is very pleased with how the plans have evolved.

"I am confident that parishioners throughout the Diocese of Bunbury as well as the wider community will not be disappointed," he said.

"The precinct with the new Cathedral as its centrepiece and the restoration of the existing buildings have all come together well to create a tranquil and harmonious environment with historical and cultural significance," said Mr Collins.

The rebuilding of the Cathedral precinct is expected to be completed by late September 2010.

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Sotto Voce

(Source: CTHN)