Firstly, may I thank you all for taking the time to visit this site and indeed, there are at present over 37,000 of you to thank for this and to each and all of you every blessing.
Secondly, I have been updating the site and adding the archive features of the Reflection pieces and also of the Verbum Ulitimus which can now be easily accessed by clicking on the date piece itself. This is in response to the many requests received as so so many of you found the Lent reflections helpful to your own personal journey at that sacred time of the liturgical year.
Thirdly, I have added a feature here for a trial period and I ask for you to submit your comments as per usual and it is called Sonific Songpost and all you have to do when you click on to this blogspot is click on the play link and it shall play away and u even get to control whether you wish to have it play or not and also adjust the control for yourself if you do.
The piece chosen is Amazing Grace and over the next few days I will change it to different ethnic and religious pieces just to vary it for you and hopefully make your visit all the more enjoyable.
The fourth point is that I am taking some away time beginning next Sunday until mid week or so, and will resume posting at that time. In the interim, please do feel free to submit as before your pieces no matter what they be, and I will read through them and post them once deemed possible.
Finally, next Monday is no blog day as a mark of respect to those who lost their lives so unnecessarily in Virginia Tech and I shall observe it as indeed are so many fellow bloggers around the world.
May I ask you all that you remember them in your own way and please God that America will get the goddamn sense it needs to abandon its gun laws in their present form. Surely to God life is far more important than their ill guided view that they need to be armed to the back teeth.
Anyway, we can but pray for one and all that day, and I wish you all a pleasant few days in my absence.
Sotto Voce