Talk about number two.
Pinching out the keynote address for a Catholic seminar, Amato offered a litany of "evils that remain almost invisible". These evils - not politics, not religion and certainly not international oppression - provide the thrust of terrorism. Among the litany of lewd acts, Amato counts abortion and gay marriage at the top of the list.
Reuters elaborates: In an address to chaplains, Amato said newspapers and television bulletins often seemed like "a perverse film about evil". He denounced "evils that remain almost invisible" because the media presented them as "expression of human progress".
He listed these as abortion clinics, which he called "slaughterhouses of human beings", euthanasia, and "parliaments of so-called civilised nations where laws contrary to the nature of the human being are being promulgated, such as the approval of marriage between people of the same sex...
...After denouncing "abominable terrorism" such as that carried out by suicide bombers, he condemned what he called "terrorism with a human face", and accused the media of manipulating language "to hide the tragic reality of the facts".
Hey, at least he acknowledge homos' humanity, rather than calling us horrid demons from hell...
As such an insidious, untraditional assault on civilization, gays and abominable abortionists cannot be destroyed with bombs and puppet governments. No, no. They require the almighty sword of the Almighty. You see, man's evil's born from sin, thus, to conquer evil, man must be saved.
Amato explains via Catholic News: Legal measures and being armed are not enough to fight it. It is necessary to respond also with cultural instruments capable of offering nonviolent alternatives to redress genuine grievances....
The teaching of the church on the presence of evil requires from us faith in God, lord of the world and of history, accompanied by a conviction that the ways of his providence often remain unknown to us...
In faith, in communion with the one true Lord of the world, we have been given the 'armor of God,' with which we, together with the entire body of Christ, can oppose these powers" of evil.
Well, we suppose that suits the War on Terror template: use the force that created the evil to fight the evil.
Sort of like Afghanistan and the Taliban.
Or the sectarian aftermath of the Iraq invasion.
Also, a question on this "armour of God: - is it chain mail like during the Crusades? Because that shit's heavy and our sin's pretty heavy.
Not as heavy as a bomb, of course, but we're not sure we can carry such a load.
We prefer our loads to be more compact and less solid.
Oops, there we go again with our sinning!
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Sotto Voce