Iranian "puritans" are struggling with the new generation's liberal style of dress. "Everything we try has failed!", despaired Ayatollah Housekooky.
"That is until we read about the success Roman Catholic nuns have had forcing young people to conform to their religious ideals"
The Ayatollah read some of the innumerable "I was scarred by the Catholic school" exposes so popular in the west.
He loved the gorey details of shaved sideburns with a dry razor, skirt-length measured down to the centimeter and rulers applied to close dancers to make room for the Holy Ghost.
"These women made me feel way out of my league", Housekooky exclaimed "I told the Grand High Council of Mohammedists, we needs nuns!"
And nuns is what they got - thousands of them!
Retired Canadian, and European nuns, whose religious orders can no longer afford to support them, have been shipped off to Iran as dress code monitors.
Ayatollah Housekooky commented on an unexpected outcome: "Sure they have got our youngsters in line but now they are turning their savage discipline on the Ayatollahs! If I hear one more clicker ordering me to play fair or genuflect before the blessed sacrament (whatever that is) I think I will scream! We brought them here to enforce dress code not to insist on justice!"
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Sotto Voce