Sunday, September 08, 2024

Priest suspended following sexual abuse allegation

A priest with the Diocese of Scranton has been suspended amid a "credible" allegation of inappropriate sexual contact.

In Aug., the Dioceses says it was made aware of a report of inappropriate sexual contact by Father John Ruth with a minor occurring from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s.

The Diocese of Scranton investigated and found the claim credible.

Ruth's faculties have been suspended and he has been removed from ministry to due an allegation of a sexual abuse of a minor as of Wednesday, the Diocese said.

The allegation was also reported to civil authorities, officials said.

Ruth, 65, was most recently serving as Pastor of Most holy Trinity Parish in Susquehanna since Oct. 24, 2023.

To report an allegation of sexual abuse or any other criminal activity perpetrated by a priest, deacon, employee, or volunteer of the Diocese of Scranton, contact your local law enforcement agency and/or the Diocese of Scranton Victim Assistance Coordinator, Mary Beth Pacuska, at (570) 862-7551.

The Diocese of Scranton takes every allegation of abuse seriously and is committed to protecting children. 

The safety and well-being of children is a non-negotiable priority. 

The Church has a moral and ethical duty to ensure that our policies are not just written guidelines but lived practices that are applied and monitored.