Saturday, September 21, 2024

Copts and Orthodox agree on rejection of homosexual partnerships

The Coptic Orthodox Church and the Byzantine Orthodox Church have reaffirmed their common position on homosexuality in the ecumenical dialogue. 

Following a dialogue meeting, the churches lamented in a final declaration a crisis in questions of the family and anthropological challenges posed by today's secular society. 

In particular, the two churches categorically rejected "the justification of same-sex relationships by what is called 'absolute human freedom'". 

This would cause harm to humanity. "While affirming their unqualified belief in human rights and freedom, our churches also affirm that the freedom of the created is not so absolute that it can transgress and break the commandments of the Creator," the statement reads.

The declaration explicitly does not refer to the declaration of blessing "Fiducia supplicans" of the Vatican, which has caused which had caused disgruntlement particularly in the Eastern churches. 

With reference to the declaration presented by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith last December, the Coptic Church had dicastery suspended dialogue with the Catholic Church in March

In May Víctor Manuel Fernández visited the Coptic Pope in order to find a new basis for order to find a new basis for dialogue. 

The cardinal emphasised that there are no theological differences in the assessment of homosexuality.