Kildare & Leighlin Interim Diocesan Appointments 2024
The following diocesan appointments take place with immediate effect:
Fr. Andy Leahy PP Kildare resigns as PP and will reside for the time being in St. Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan while awaiting a new appointment.
Fr. Adrian Carbery PE CC Kildare to become Adm Kildare.
Fr. Locky Flanagan C.S.Sp. to become AP Kildare.
Fr. Martin Smith SPS Chaplain SETU Carlow to take one year’s leave of absence for health reasons.
Fr. Ger Breen on sabbatical leave to become Chaplain SETU Carlow while continuing to reside in Doonane Parish.
As I announce these interim appointments, I am deeply grateful to all our clergy and lay faithful who, as always, remain committed to their parishes. In the later end of the year and into early 2025, as discussed with clergy, I will be making more permanent appointments across the Diocese.
These interim measures are understandably centred around absolute and immediate needs and I thank the priests involved for the generosity of their vocation and willingness to minister with us.
A particular word of appreciation to the neighbouring parishes to Kildare who have shown it great support in recent months.
Kindly keep in your prayers all involved in these interim appointments and especially those who are ill at this time, may we all unite in prayer for one another.
+ Denis Nulty
Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin
30 July 2024