It comes after Fr Tony McAleese is set to move to St Oliver Plunkett Parish in Lenadoon.

The move will leave Fr Eugene O'Neill as the only parish priest at the Donegall Street church.

"Fr Tony's departure means that our parish has to face a reality that we never had to face in our 200 year history," said Fr Eugene O'Neill. "For the first time ever, St Patrick's will only have one priest. 

"In the past, there would have been up to six priests in the parish. Now there's just myself – with no curate.

"The bottom line is there just aren't enough priests to go around and the bishop simply has nobody else to send us. So now we have to face the future in a very different context. Obviously things will need to change and adjustment will have to be made.”

Fr Eugene has asked for understanding and support from parishioners, adding “things will be different” going forward.

“The people of this parish are wonderful. You have always been so supportive of your priests and I know you appreciate that one priest cannot do everything that two, three or four traditionally did,” he added.

“I would really like to ask for your help as we chart the way forward. I would like you the people of the parish to help me work out the needs of the parish in these changing times.

"I would really welcome your ideas, your suggestions and your thoughts. I would also challenge people to think of ways that they could serve the parish and help to share the mission of St Patrick's. If anyone has a few spare hours each week and would be willing to share their skills and talents I would love to hear from you.

“Things will be different going forward with just one priest but I promise, as does Bishop Alan, that St Patrick's will be here for you into the future.”