Cashel’s old Presentation convent grounds should be transformed into a public amenity for all local people to enjoy during this term of the council, heard the July meeting of Tipperary Cahir Cashel municipal district on Monday, July 22.
In a notice of motion, Fine Gael Cllr Declan Burgess requested that the municipal district further examine the potential use of the old convent grounds in Cashel
“This council owned property should be utilised for community use, and I am calling on stakeholders to carry out a survey and report back to the elected members on the significant potential this site has for the community,” said Cllr Burgess.
The district is currently undertaking a review of all land in their ownership at that location, responded management. “Once complete, consideration will be given to projects, development maximising potential of same.”
The former convent grounds lie on about 2.8 acres in the centre of Cashel and have been in the possession of the local authority since 2001. “It’s been left idle for a very long time,” said Cllr Burgess. “The convent grounds have been subject to a lot of debate and discussion for a long number of years, but there is one common theme. We want it to be for the benefit of the community.
“It formed part of the old Presentation convent grounds. It was purchased by the local authority for the intent of strategic aims. It is listed in the current development plan that serves our town for community and strategic use.
“I’m looking forward for management that they will prioritise this going forwards, and I want to see the convent grounds put firmly on the agenda for this council term. I believe it’s an ideal place for young and old to enjoy, various amenities, whatever we decide to progress with. I think it has huge potential,” said Cllr Burgess.
There could be a public playing pitch, community allotment gardens, a base for the Tidy Towns, a sensory garden, a walking path, or an outdoor gym in partnership with the active retirement group.
“This site is dilapidated. It is council owned. We really need to put it on the agenda, focus on it. Let’s get a plan in place for the convent grounds. It’s been in council ownership since 2001 and we can’t allow it to go another decade without use for the community,” added Cllr Burgess.
Fianna Fáil Cllr Roger Kennedy seconded the motion. “It should be looked at and examined, to come up with an overall plan to see how it can be utilised.” On a daily basis, there are between 70 and 80 cars parked there, and parking for a tourist town is very important. “I wouldn’t like to see that being curtailed in any way, but the potential is there for the area to be developed,” added Cllr Kennedy.Independent Cllr Liam Browne said the area should not be used to extend car parking. “The town park, as fantastic as it will be for Cashel, is very much at one end of Cashel, and extending away from the Rock.
“Nothing is going to happen behind the Rock, so we need green spaces as you go away from the centre of town, out the Dualla road or out the Cahir road. Some sort of green area that could be utilised – we’re losing places where we have small concerts in Cashel.”Cllr Browne referred to the bandstand in Tipperary town as the ideal type of space, but developed for more uses. There will be planning issues, but “if we’re here in five years’ time and nothing has been done to the Convent, we would have wasted a lot of time.”
Cllr Mary Hanna Hourigan supported the motion, including the suggestion of a sensory garden for the children and staff of special needs schools, Scoil Aonghusa and Scoil Chormaic.
Separately, Cllr Burgess requested that the municipal district submit a town and village renewal - or similar appropriate funding stream - project to renovate and upgrade the Main Street public toilets in Cashel.
“For a busy tourist town, work needs to be prioritised to upgrade the existing facility, to include the installation of water bottle refilling stations and improvement to the baby changing unit, along with other associated works,” he said.
A project will be prepared for submission when a suitable funding stream becomes available, responded management.