A story about the difficulties and persecutions experienced by
the underground community, not recognized by the Chinese government; the
concerns on China-Vatican dialogue and an inability to join the
Patriotic Association (PA), which wants to build a national and
independent Church.
This is what an underground priest from central
China reveals in this letter to a friend.
The question of belonging or not to the Patriotic Association is a
burning issue: it is whatì will eventually qualify belonging to the
underground community or the official one. It must be said that for some
time now a campaign has been carried out by the government to register
and absorb - even through ruses – underground priests into the
In rumors surrounding dialogue between China and the Holy See it seems that this problem is not addressed, although the Letter of Benedict XVI to Chinese Catholics
claimed that the PA is "incompatible with Catholic doctrine".
Francis reaffirmed the value of Benedict XVI’s Letter. The official
Church tends to view membership of the PA as a "lesser evil" compared to
the criminalization of all unregistered religious activity.
Dear sister in the Lord, thank you for your letter!
This is my general response to some of the questions that you have at heart.
1. The situation of our parish
At present I work in an area that has about 6 thousand faithful. Among
them 3 thousand belong to the official Church, about 1,500 to
non-official Church, another 1,500 practice religious life little.
The parish where I work is an unofficial one; there is no church, not
even a space that you could call public place of prayer. Our
underground church only has 10 meeting points. They are all houses of
the faithful, or provisional locations. Some larger ones can contain 200
or 300 people, others only a few hundred. Usually for Sunday Mass must
be split into three or four points, otherwise all the faithful cannot
take part in Mass.
Due to the constant control of the government on the Church, we could
not get the permission for a registered location for religious
activities. There are two reasons: the first is that the religious
authority of the government [the State Administration for Religious
Affairs, SARA- ed] does not recognize our identity as priests, so we
cannot represent the ecclesial community as a legitimate religious
personnel and make the request to the authority concerned. The second is
that the official Church has five churches in my area: one more reason
why SARA will not consent to a place for the religious activities for
the underground Church.
Their method is to always ask the priest (underground) to make public
his identity by registering with SARA. But at the same time you are
obliged to join the Patriotic Association. So for the priest and the
faithful of the underground Church there is no way out. This is why the
practice of the life of faith and sacraments of the faithful, which are a
priest’s routine pastoral care have become very difficult.
In these conditions, even when we celebrate a feast or solemnity of
great importance, and have identified a relatively large place, SARA and
the government police (Gong An) order us to shut it down, or to cancel
the activities with the excuse that we would be carrying out "religious
activities in a unregistered location" or holding an "illegal mass
gathering", or under the guise of "security." Sometimes they use
threats, harassment, intimidation, etc. Other times they ban us and
confiscate the goods of the Church. These cases happen very often,
especially - and this is particularly serious - at Christmas and at
Once, the faithful of our parish spent five months preparing for
Christmas, finding a great place and decorating it with care. But on the
afternoon of December 24, suddenly a group of people arrived: police
(Gong An), members of the religious affairs bureau ... and they began to
investigate those in charge taking photos of the place, ordering us
thereon to take away everything at once: altar, pews, etc. They banned
Mass on Christmas Eve. So, that year they prevented us from celebrating
Christmas and we could not have even a normal liturgy.
In the underground church that I serve, we have so many important
church holidays: Christmas, Easter, Pentecost. Most of the time we spend
these in an extreme dread and fear.
Just one example: when a gathering
exceeds 500 people, we have to post some believers outside of the place
of the liturgy to monitor and control from a distance against "visits"
from police. Many Christmases, I was ready to risk being arrested by
police. In this case it is better not to carry important documents to
avoid damaging other priests if they detained me and took me away.
Despite these problems, obstacles, persecutions, the priests and the
faithful of the Church are always faithful to God, to Christ, to the
Church and to the Pope.
The faithful of the area want their priests who celebrate their Masses
to be faithful [undergound] to the Church. And this despite the long
waits before the start of the Mass on the cold night of Christmas Eve;
although they must participate in the liturgy in a precarious and
crowded place ..., nothing prevents their love of God! When they sing
the vigil hymns, kissing the baby Jesus offered by the hands of the
priest, kneel before the manger to adore and take communion at the hands
of the priest, they are truly united with the universal Church! Their
great devotion encourages me more and more to put myself in the service
of the sheep, to shed blood for them, to be ready to sacrifice my life
for the sheep.
Every Christmas Eve, the night of Peace, there is often no peace for us,
but we suffer for a reason and so we have a peace and inner joy.
2. Some doubts and concerns on the agreement between China and the Vatican
First, does the content of the agreement exist or not? Is the question
of the religious persecution in China part of these discussions or not?
Secondly, it seems, part of the agreement speaks of the Pope
forgiving the illegitimate bishops, so that all the official bishops are
in communion with the Pope. But we ask, should the Vatican not ask
official bishops to abandon the Patriotic Association?
Thirdly, when it relates to the (so-called) Chinese bishops'
conference: will this organization led by Beijing continue to exist or
If China and the Vatican were to sign the agreement on the appointment of bishops, we are faced with two major problems:
a) if we were to follow the spirit of the agreement, we should belong
to and obey the bishops of the official Church. But if the Patriotic
Association, the Office of Religious Affairs of the Government still
exist they will demand that priests who belong to the official bishops
to join the Patriotic Association, supporting the independence,
self-management and autonomy of the Church. And what should we do?
b) If we do not belong to the official bishops, then are we not doubly illegitimate?
We would be illegitimate under Church law, given that priests cannot exist without reference (belonging) to the bishop.
We would be illegitimate from the government's point of view,
[because] we refuse to allow it to control us, and that's because we
refuse to join the Patriotic Association and receive their membership
card (with the government's records).
In this way we become what these new religious regulations define as "unlawful Church personnel”.
Faced with this embarrassing situation, we ask ourselves: what should we do? Do we really just need to all go home?
Card. Zen said: "God does not want a successful prophet, but a faithful prophet"!
Father Zhang Bo Da, a persecuted priest, who died in the diocese of
Shanghai said: "I prefer to be a believer who has a Pope, than a bishop
without a Pope"!
Those who preceded us, gave us the example to follow. With the help
of the Lord we will go forward, continuing to walk the road of fidelity
to Christ, to the Church, to the Pope.
Chinese martyrs, pray for the Church in China!
Celestial Queen of China, pray for the Church in China!
Our Lady of Sheshan, help of Christians, pray for the Church in China!
Fr. Joseph