Thursday, August 22, 2024

Priest caused a stir with "Spritz-Messe"

An Italian religious has caused a stir with a special measurement offer from Eucharistic and subsequent get-togethers at the drink Spritz. 

The poster for the event said that the poster were played by the criticism of Franziskan Brother Andrea Riccati, reports "La Repubblica" on Monday. 

Riccati belongs to the University of San Domenico in Urbino.

The original poster had advertised the weekly combination of the fair and drink with two juxtaposed cups – the measuring stump and a spray glass. 

Critics complained that sacrament and aperitif were put on the same level. Riccato apologized: "It was not my intention to insult anyone, the liturgy is holy and must not be touched." 

It was his intention to "include the young people in the worship and then to experience a moment of conviviality, because the Church is inviting". 

In consultation with the local bishop, the poster has been changed in the meantime.