Thursday, August 22, 2024

Corporate design of the Archdiocese of Cologne wins prize

The corporate design of the Archdiocese of Cologne has been awarded the design prize "Red Dot" Award. 

The award was given to "high design quality and creative achievement," says a statement from the Archdiocese of Wednesday. "We are also very pleased and motivated that a jury of international design experts has awarded our corporate design as innovative and worthy of awards," said Frank Hüppelshäuser, head of the Archbishopric. 

The Archdiocese was honored in the "Brands & Communication Design" category.

The branding, developed in cooperation with the Hamburg agency EIGA, is characterised by "elements that are positively signs of Christian tradition as well as through elements that reflect change, diversity and openness to new ideas," says the communication. 

In this way, stories, events and aid offers could be communicated in a target group-oriented and contemporary manner.

Design without cathedral

The most important innovation of design was that instead of the silhouette of Cologne Cathedral, a pictorial mark now shaped by the historical coat of arms of the Archdiocese coincided with the appearance. 

There was criticism of this. On the other hand, the design expert Achim Schaffrinna praised the redesign as convincing.

The "Red Dot" award is announced every year and awarded for product and industrial design, brand and communication design and design concepts. 

The prize is considered one of the most important awards in Germany of its kind.