Sunday, July 28, 2024

CWI : Operation Laonia (30)

Well now Fintan, that's another cermony done and dusted, and perhaps another feather in your mitre (or rather an extra row of tassels on the galero)...and not a bit of trouble at the ceremony yesterday.

Having plain clothes members of An Garda Síochána would see to that once they all knew (or thought they knew) who they were watching out for.

Regrettably, and not for the first time, and no doubt not the last, you were not telling the truth about people Fintan...

1. In your secret meetings with Parolin, did you tell him the truth?

2. If so Fintan, how did it feel telling the truth seeing as it is something with which you do not having a normal working relationship?

3. Did you tell him why a forged signature was on submitted paperwork to Rome?

4. Did you tell him the truth about your formal interview with An Garda Síochána a few weeks ago?

5. Did you advise him that such an interview was as part of an ongoing criminal investigation that was necessitated by your failure to carry out such an investigation?

6. Did you advise him that Cleo Yates rang a Garda Station, thereby interfering with same said ongoing criminal investigation?

7. Did you tell him that she did so whilst lying about the reason she claimed she was making such a call?

8. Did you advise him that Cleo was told by the Garda (at least twice) that she was interfering in an ongoing investigation before she was effectively warned she could be arrested for such interference?

9. Did you also tell Parolin that in fact you sought laicisation of 2 priests under false pretexts - in other words Fintan, you lied?

10. Did you tell him about your trips around the diocese - and further afar (Dublin City Marathon) - with Spandex Lady - who hangs around the front gates of Westbourne like a hooker - waiting for you to join her for a bit of jogging? Whether such jogging becomes horizontal or remains vertical - or both - is a source of scandal at the moment - and in your own warped and untruthful ways - would merit application to Rome for laicisation. Hypocrite much Fintan?

11. Did you advise him of the names of the 2 (biological) daddies in the diocese, and seek their laicisation?

12. Did you advise him of the names of priests in the diocese who are in both emotional and full on sexual relationships - and seek their laicisations?

13. Have you sought from Parolin the laicisation of the criminally convicted Jerry 'The Wanker' Carey? If not, why not?

14. The Master of Cermonies was Ger 'The Invisible Priest' Jones, and yet he has failed to carry out any First Friday visits (one now has to make an appointment by telephone to get a hold of him). He has not involved himself in his parish, visited any of the parishoners, engaged with the youth or supported efforts to seek to provide calm in a very challenging environment.

Of course, as he has put it himself, he doesn't 'do' ne'er do wells.....he will make a great bishop yet so!!

Have you recommended him for such an appointment to Parolin?

15. Now Fintan, here is the bigger question of them all - will you meet with us here in CW, and together we trawl through the evidence we have of all of what we have ever published here about you?

The only thing Fintan is this - all we ask you to do - and it is a big ask for you - is to tell the truth once and for all....and if you cannot do that, then we regrettably know that no meeting can take place.

You can bring your solicitor with you as we will have ours there as well so it will be all fair etc etc....and not just you bullying your way as heretofore.

This is your chance, and we hope you take us up on it.

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Eagarthóir / Editor