Saturday, July 27, 2024

CWI : Operation Laonia (29)

Well Fintan, at this time we should perhaps be offering our condolences to you on the death of your father, but unlike you, we will not be hypocritical.

At least Fintan, you were able to celebrate the funeral liturgy, and indeed, no doubt you will do likewise for the Months Mind....

...unlike what you done to a priest of 'your' diocese at the time of his fathers passing...and all based upon the lies of someone who you failed to investigate.

No doubt you are now getting ready to have the Vatican honchos treated like royalty as they ordain Horgan to the ranks of the epsicopate.

But it will still not take away the stain of deceit, fraud and lies you allowed to be perpetuated, and inded, partook of, in recent times.

See you later today Fintan....and we look forward to meeting Parolin....we have some very interesting reading material for him relative to you!!