Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Lent calendar prayer and reflection for 4 April

Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die in this wilderness? For there is neither bread nor water here; we are sick of this unsatisfying food.

Numbers 21:4-9
The Israelites grow impatient in the barren desert. They lose sight of God’s plan: to lead them from slavery to true freedom.

It sometimes feels as though we are in a wilderness. Lent seems to last forever, and it can be tempting to begrudge the journey ahead of us. This sense of the wilderness can pervade other aspects of our lives - in our work and even at home. Why are we here? When will we ever get to rest and taste fresh fruit?

Sometimes, it helps to take a step back and to listen to God. We can also examine our conscience. What gifts has the Lord blessed me with? How can I grow in the goodness of Christ? In what ways do I hunger and thirst for justice?

Let us allow our hearts to listen and understand more deeply God’s call in our lives.


God our friend and shepherd, forgive us for the times we walk away from you. By your grace, help us to bear fruits of holiness, and to trust in the path you lead for us. Amen.