Matthew 20:17-28
“How dare this woman take our place?” I imagine the disciples’ fury at the woman who asks Jesus for her two sons to sit next to the Lord in heaven. After all, don’t the disciples deserve the best seats, with all they have sacrificed?
Jesus calls his disciples to him. With profound patience and understanding, he tells the disciples not to do things for their own selfish gain. They are not to think they are better than everyone else.
The Lord knows he himself will soon be mocked and crucified. In a similar way, Jesus wants his followers to be humble of heart and servants of one another. This is the way of the Cross.
Sam is a sixth former in Hallam diocese in North East England. This past year, as part of our young leadership programme, Sam has been raising money in her school for CAFOD.
She has led an assembly, organised a cupcake sale at break-time, and she even met with her MP at the Houses of Parliament to talk about climate change.
Sam’s motivation is inspiring. She says, “Most people who want to be a leader want to be at the front. For me, it’s more about being at the back, just serving and meeting a need.”
Sam is setting an amazing example for people to follow. May we be moved to do the same.