Set on discovering who is behind the anti-Semitic, homophobic, Holocaust revisionist and anti-Muslim propaganda site, a Berlin-based publishing house, Bruno Gmünder Verlag, which publishes books and magazines for homosexuals, is offering a reward of $20,000 to whoever is able to provide information that can help reveal the website’s anonymous administrators.
The publishing house has also written to the German Bishops’ Conference, urging it to back the initiative and raise the reward sum., which been online since 2004 and is hosted on an American server, describes itself as “an initiative of international private Catholic groups in Europe and the U.S. which serve the Church.”
The German Bishops’ Conference has often tried to distance itself from the ideas expressed on the portal.
The website, which seems to express rather Lefebvrian ideas, even though there is no proof of a link, stands out for its ultra-conservative stance and radical rhetoric which borders on insulting.