When the U.S. Postal Service
unveiled its new Christmas stamp Oct. 10 featuring an image of the Holy
Family fleeing to Egypt, there was no uproar about religion in the
public square, or in this case, rectangle.
"We didn't get a single phone call or email from anyone who took
exception to the stamp," Roy Betts, a spokesman for the Postal Service,
said Oct. 11.
"And with the speed with which people can respond today, they would have
if they wanted to," he added. He said he thought people were more
concerned with other things such as the presidential election.
He also said the post office doesn't "really get comments" about the
holiday stamps in general, most likely because of the diversity of
stamps -- besides stamps with Christian imagery, there are those that
commemorate Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Muslim festivals.
As an aside, he said one year the Postal Service inadvertently left out
the image of its Eid stamp -- commemorating the Muslim festivals of Eid
al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha -- from a poster about its holiday stamps. The
Postal Service heard about it, and then some, and within 24 hours, he
said, new posters were displayed that included all the holiday stamps.
As he put it: "People are passionate about this (issue)." But right now, he added, "they're not complaining."
The diversity in stamps, which may have quelled the naysayers, is fairly
new. The first U.S. Christmas stamp debuted in 1962 with a wreath, two
candles and the words "Christmas 1962." Four years later the postal
service issued what became more of the traditional Christmas stamp
featuring a Renaissance painting of the Madonna and Child.
By contrast, the other holiday stamps took longer to get their corner of
the market. The Hanukkah stamp marking the eight-day Jewish festival of
lights debuted in 1996. The Kwanzaa stamp for the African-American
holiday first appeared in 1997 and the Eid stamp was not issued until
Charles Haynes, a senior scholar at the Freedom Forum's First Amendment Center, said
in an Oct. 11 email that stamps with religious images aren't a problem
"as long as the government is acknowledging a variety of religious and
nonreligious communities at various times of the year."
"The fact that religious -- including explicitly Christian -- symbols
are in the mix raises no First Amendment issue -- but simply reflects
our diversity," he said.
Haynes noted that Christian symbols on stamps should only be allowed if a
variety of other faiths are represented. "Government may not privilege
one faith over others," he added.
When the traditional Christmas stamp stood alone, it faced at least one
sticky situation. In 1995, a Postal Service advisory committee voted to
replace the traditional Madonna and Child stamp with a Victorian-era
angel. This vote stirred such negative reaction that even then-President
Bill Clinton got into the fray, prompting an immediate reversal.
Marvin Runyon, postmaster general at the time, said the Madonna and
Child stamp would stay, at least while he was in office, because it
"occupied an important place" for so many years and was "meaningful to
so many Americans."
This year's Christmas stamp does not feature the traditional Madonna and
Child image but instead a silhouette of the Holy Family on their flight
into Egypt.
At the stamp's unveiling at Washington National Cathedral, the Rev. Gary
Hall, the Episcopal cathedral's dean, said the stamp's image has its
own universal message.
He said the "story of this new family forced to leave their home" can
remind people to care for those who are marginalized: "the poor, the
elderly, the immigrant, and the refugee."
He also said the image of the Holy Family "embarking for an unknown
land" is a reminder that "we are in God's hands and we trust in God to
guide our journey."
If that isn't to one's liking, the Postal Service has plenty of other
options, from its popular angel stamps to those without any religious
undertones: the forever evergreens and pine cones.