The sacred liturgy transforms our
"I" in "we", it "is not our doing, it is primarily
God's action through the Church, its history, its tradition, its creativity".
"Nobody is a foreigner", in the Christian liturgy, "it is inherently Catholic,
comes from everything and leads to everything, in unity with the Pope and the
bishops in union with all mankind, of all time ": this, Benedict XVI
teaches is "one of the reasons why it can not be changed by the community
or by experts, but must be faithful to the forms of the universal Church."
Continuing to devote the general
audience catechesis to the "school of prayer" , the Pope went on to illustrate the
"preferred source" of prayer today to 20 thousand people in St
Peter's Square, which, he said is the liturgy, "participation in Christ's
own prayer addressed to the Father in the Holy Spirit. In the liturgy, all
Christian prayer finds its source and goal. "
The Pope's reflection
started from the principle that " Therefore, the life of prayer lies in
habitually being in the presence of God and being conscious of it, in living
our relationship with God just as we live the usual relationships of our lives,
those with close family members, and with real friends; indeed our relationship
with the Lord gives light to all of our other relationships." Through
baptism through Baptism we have been inserted into Christ, we
have begun to be one with Him, only in Christ we can talk to God the Father as
children, otherwise it is not possible, but in communion with the Son, we too
can say, as he said "Abba", because only in communion with Christ, can we
know God as our true Father". For this reason" Christian prayer lies in
constantly looking, in an ever new way, at Christ, talking with Him, being in
silence with Him, listening to Him, acting and suffering with Him. "
But, given "the unbreakable bond
between Christ and the Church," "we know Christ as a living Person in
the Church, which is his Body." Thus,
through the liturgy " I have to
progressively immerge myself in the words of the Church, with my prayer, my
life, my suffering, my joy, my thoughts. It is a journey that transforms us. Thus I think that
these reflections enable us to answer the question that we posed at the
beginning: how do I learn to pray, how can I grow in my prayer? Looking at the
model that Jesus taught us, the Pater Noster [Our Father], we see that
the first word is "Father" and the second is "our." The
answer, then, is clear: I learn to pray, I nourish my prayer, addressing God as
Father and praying-with-others, praying with the Church, accepting the gift of
his words, which gradually become familiar and rich in meaning. The dialogue
that God establishes with each of us, and we with Him, in prayer always
includes a "with", you can not pray to God in an individualistic
manner. In liturgical prayer, especially the Eucharist, and - formats of the
liturgy - in every prayer, we do not speak as single individuals, rather we
enter into the "we" of the Church that prays. And we need to
transform our "I" entering into this "we"."
The liturgy is not "a kind of "self-manifestation" of a
community, but it is emerging from the simple "being-oneself", being closed
in on ourselves, and accessing the great banquet, entering the great living
community in which God nourishes us. The liturgy implies universality and our
awareness of this universal character must always be renewed. The Christian
liturgy is the worship of the universal temple which is the Risen Christ, whose
arms are stretched out on the cross to draw us all into the embrace that is the
eternal love of God. It is the cult of the open skies. It is never only the
event of a single community, in a given time and space. It is important that
every Christian feels and really is part of this universal "we",
which provides the foundation and refuge to the "I" in the Body of
Christ which is the Church.".
Church - he concluded - is made visible
in many ways: in its charitable work, in mission projects, in the personal
apostolate that every Christian must realize in his or her own environment. But
the place where it is fully experienced as a Church is in the liturgy: it is
the act in which we believe that God enters into our reality and we can meet
Him, we can touch Him. It is the act in which we come into contact with God, He
comes to us, and we are enlightened by Him. So when in the reflections on the
liturgy we concentrate all our attention on how to make it attractive,
interesting and beautiful, we risk forgetting the essential: the liturgy is
celebrated for God and not for ourselves, it is His work, He is the subject,
and we must open ourselves to Him and be guided by Him and His Body which is
the Church".
Finally In his
greeting in Italian, Benedict XVI recalled his visit tomorrow to Loreto and
asked the faithful to pray for the success of the upcoming Synod on the new
evangelization and for the Year of Faith.