Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Archbishop Joseph
William Tobin, the Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of
Consecrated life, as the new head of the archdiocese of Indianapolis in
the USA.
While the move is likely to be warmly welcomed by
the 246,000 strong Catholic community in Indianapolis archdiocese, it
will certainly sadden many of the almost one million men and women
religious, not only in the USA but also elsewhere in the world, sources in religious orders told Vatican Insider earlier this week.
Tobin flew to Indianapolis on Monday 15 October. Rumors
predicting this change began circulating soon after the publication in
April 2012 of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’s highly
critical report of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in the
United States. At the time, it was widely known that Tobin was not
happy with that report and, it seems, had not been consulted on it.
Even taking that into account, his reassignment is
nevertheless surprising given that just over two years ago – on 2
August 2010 - Pope Benedict had personally chosen Tobin to be Secretary
of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and the
Societies of Apostolic Life. He had come to know and appreciate Tobin
while he was Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
and the American was head of the Redemptorist Order (1997-2009), and
hand-picked him for that post.
Born in Detroit, Michigan, Tobin did
under-graduate and post-graduate studies in the USA, before working in
parish ministry in Detroit and Chicago for 12 years and serving another 6
years as Episcopal-vicar for the archdiocese of Detroit.
He came to Rome in 1991 following his election as
Consultor-General of the Redemptorist order, and in 1997 was chosen to
head that order, a post he held for the next 12 years.
While in Rome, Tobin served as vice-president of
the Union of Superior’s General and was appointed a member of the
council for relations between that body and the Vatican Congregation for
Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life – to which he was later named as its second in command.
In that Vatican congregation Tobin worked well and closely with the Brazilian Cardinal Jao Braz de Aziz in
overseeing the life and work of almost one million consecrated men and
women worldwide, and brought the weight of his broad experience as a
pastor and head of a religious order to that important task.
He will
now take all that rich experience to his new role as archbishop in
Indianapolis, and is also expected to play a significant role in the
Catholic Bishops Conference of the USA.