A relic of Blessed John Paul II will be transported to the French
shrine of Lourdes during a pilgrimage organised by UNITALSI (Italian
National Union for Transport of the Sick to Lourdes and International
The pilgrimage is to take place from 21 to 27 October.
Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, president of the Pontifical Council for
Health Pastoral Care, has granted UNITALSI permission to take a
reliquary containing blood of John Paul II, so that it can be seen and
venerated by pilgrims from all over the world.
Speaking on Vatican Radio Salvatore Pagliuccia, president of
UNITALSI, noted that we currently are in the Year of Faith, and the
Synod of Bishops is meeting to examine the question of new
evangelisation, "a theme very close to John Paul II's heart".
Pope's "influence is still felt in the Church and among the faithful",
he said.
Thus, "the presence of the reliquary of the blessed on the
pilgrimage is a very significant sign, because it represents the
presence of his ideas and his sentiments, above all the presence of the
love which, as man and as pastor, he gave to people, to the faithful,
and in particular to the sick and those with disabilities".