EDUCATION IS too important to be the exclusive property of teachers,
of government or of patrons, the Archbishop of Dublin Dr Diarmuid Martin
has said.
The archbishop was speaking last night at the annual
Mass for the opening of the new school year which took place at Holy
Cross College in Drumcondra, Dublin.
Addressing a congregation of
teachers, school principals, parents and representatives from the
Department of Education and the teachers’ unions, he said it was time to
“reflect carefully and cautiously on the nature of education”.
said policy should focus on the “overall human formation” of young
people who were “not just cogs to be trained for the techniques of a
future economy”.
Dr Martin said no one could doubt that the
economic crisis “is due to a crisis of public morality”. He said young
people had to be “helped to see they belong to a community and a
society” and that this “invokes education to morality”.
that while “the changed cultural situation” required young people to
understand a variety of religions, he cautioned that religious diversity
in society did not mean “the exclusion of denominational education in
which young people are helped to grow and flourish in the religious
tradition to which they belong”.
He said that “all indications” were that parents wanted to see denominational education remain.
was a responsibility on those providing denominational education to
ensure it did not exclude religious diversity or the less advantaged, he
added. Neither should it become “simply a colourless presentation of
the history or the sociology of religion”.
Welcoming proposals for
co- operation between Dublin City University, St Patrick’s teacher
training college in Drumcondra, the Mater Dei Institute and the Church
of Ireland College of Education, Dr Martin said their collaboration
could become a driving force in educational training.
his homily, he said the growing religious diversity in Ireland called
“not for the banishing of religious education from the public square”
but indicated public interest and the responsibility of government to
provide high-quality training for those teaching religion in public
He said there needed to be a realisation of the
contribution which Catholic education brought to education in the
changing and more pluralist society in which we lived. It was a time of
“very much healthy ferment in educational reflection”.
However, “change
in itself is not necessarily healthy”.