A new online theological library is offering free access to thousands
of articles, dissertations and documents covering theology and
More than 10,000 have already signed up to the GlobeTheoLib, launched
jointly by the World Council of Churches and Globethics.net.
There are more than 600,000 full text documents in the library, which
is available in Chinese, English, French, German and Spanish.
GlobeTheoLib aims to use new digital models of information exchange
to create greater visibility for theological knowledge and insights from
churches of the global South.
"A strength of GlobeTheoLib is its networking potential as a hub
linking other theological initiatives online," said Prof Dr Christoph
Stückelberger, executive director and founder of Globethics.net.
"The digital library project represents a quantum leap in sharing
theological knowledge and making available resources for theological
education, particularly South to South, East to West and South to
North," said the Rev Dr Dietrich Werner, the WCC international programme
coordinator for Ecumenical Theological Education.
The WCC and Globethics.net are also working on an online directory of theological education institutions.
On the web: www.globethics.net/web/gtl