In his message for Lent,
Mgr Harold Anthony Perera, Catholic bishop of Kurunegala (a diocese in
Sri Lanka’s north-western province), re-launched the theme of ‘Christ is
our hope’, which had been proposed this year by Caritas Sri
Lanka-Sedec, calling it “appropriate” to reconcile the country after the
many years of a war that ended only in 2009.
In his statement, the
bishop urged believers to place their trust in the Holy Spirit, citing
Benedict XVI, who called for the “genuine conversion” of heart and mind
in order to heal everyone’s wounds and inaugurate a new life of liberty.
“No theme was ever more appropriate than ‘Christ is
our hope’,” the prelate said, “since we are undergoing a process of
reconciliation after 30 years of violence and suffering.”
“What we need is to aspire to greater sense of human values and to the gift of new life and freedom in Christ,” he added.
“During the time of Lent, we commemorate the passion,
death and glorious resurrection of Christ,” he said. He “reconciled man
to God. During this period, we are strongly urged to give hope to those
who are desperate, homeless, victims of violence and marginalised. It
exhorts us to sing the praise of truth and justice.”
At the end of his message, Mgr Perera called on the
faithful “to reflect and strongly meditate the word of God. Let us
become an instrument of hope in Christ. With our prayers and witnessing
our faith, we can open the way towards a vast horizon of hope in the