Friday, October 22, 2010

Archbishop – Only Pope can excommunicate

Retired Gdansk Archbishop Tadeusz Goclowski has said that “no bishop may excommunicate someone, only the Pope,” in response to an earlier threat by Archbishop Henryk Hoser that MPs who vote in favour of the proposed IVF bill will be thrown out of the Roman Catholic Church.

“An individual may alienate himself from the Church if he doesn’t comply with Church doctrine,” Goclowski told Polska The Times.

Speaking to the daily, the archbishop has said that slogans used by the media as well as politicians, such as “Church threatens excommunication” have caused concern.

Even though the archbishop lists various Church teachings and Papal encyclicals that put forward the stance of the Church towards in-vitro fertilisation, Archbishop Goclowski stated that Hoser’s words “froze” him.

“I wouldn’t proclaim such a statement. To ‘be outside the Church community’ is a literal translation of ‘excommunica’. If an individual disgards the Church’s teaching in such an important matter, he must make his own decision [on the matter] according to his conscience,” Archibishop Goclowski underlines.

Members of Parliament are to debate the ruling party’s proposed IVF bill on Friday.