“Because of the grave condemnation made by the Government of Colombia and the rupture of relations with that country by (Venezuelan) President Hugo Chavez, a critical situation has arisen,” said the archdiocese in a statement. It also noted that the tensions are “gravely affecting many people in both nations, especially those who live on the Colombian-Venezuelan border.”
“As Venezuelan citizens … we deplore this complex situation and we pray that soon, with the mediation of various international organizations ... the grave difficulties that have led to the rupture of relations between both countries can be resolved,” the statement continued.
Cardinal Urosa and the auxiliary bishops encouraged “all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Caracas to pray to Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Peace, that with the search for truth and peace, a beneficial dialogue between both parties will be re-established, the issues under discussion will be clarified and relations between our sister nations will be normalized.”