The nine day event will run from August 14 to 22 and is expected to attract in the region of 130,000 to the shrine.
The theme of the Novena this year is ‘The Path to Repentance, Healing and Renewal’.
The speaker at the opening ceremony on Saturday, August 14, is Bishop Philip Boyce (OCD) DD of Raphoe in Donegal.
On Sunday, 15, always one of the biggest days of the year in Knock, the address will be delivered by Most Rev Christopher Jones, DD, Bishop of Elphin.
Rev Michael Paul Gallagher, SJ, Rector Bellarmino College, Rome will address the gatherings on Monday, August 16 while the speaker on the Tuesday will be Rev Conal O’Cuinn SJ, Vocations Promoter for the Irish Jesuits.
On Wednesday 18, Dr Suzanne Mulligan, Lecturer in Moral Theology at The Milltown Institute, Dublin will address the subject, The Moral Journey.
There are two speakers on Thursday, 19. Helen Toner, Youth Director, Knock Shrine will speak at the 3pm ceremony (‘Youth and the Church’) while John Morgan, Chairman, National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland will speak on the subject ‘Child Safeguarding and Support for Victims of Abuse’.
David Quinn, Director of Iona Institute, is the guest speaker on Friday 20. His subject is ‘Renewing Faith, Renewing Society.’
On Saturday, August 21, the anniversary of the Knock Apparition of 1879, the speaker will be Most Rev Seamus Freeman (SAC) DD, Bishop of Ossory who will address the matter ‘Priesthood Today’.
The Novena will conclude on August 22 when the homily will be given by Rev Eamonn Conway, Head of Department of Theology & Religious Studies Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
‘The Path to Renewal’ is the theme of his address.