“Amidst absolute media silence, the Brazilian government, together with the U.N., has just given a new and harsh strike against the fundamental right to life,” the movement said.
With the exception of a blog linked to the Rio de Janeiro newspaper O Globo, the media has been silent about the story.
“Consensus of Brasilia,” the title of the document containing the proposal, was signed at the conclusion of the 11th Regional Conference on the Women of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Pro-life leaders criticized the title, “Consensus of Brasilia,” because in reality, they said, it represents no consensus except that “of the organizations that promote abortion ...”
The movement noted that most Brazilians, as well as most Latin Americans, are against the legalization of abortion.
It said the document is illegal because Brazil, like other Latin American countries, is committed to binding international treaties that recognize the legal status of the unborn from the moment of conception.SIC: CNA