So, let me now make a few matters very clear in response to such feeds and postings;
1. I am indeed an Irish RC cleric based in Ireland;
2. This blogspot is indeed my idea and my responsibility, to an extent;
3. It is a blogspot for all faiths and indeed none, therefore not specifically RC, but it does, in the majority carry pieces that are relevant t the RC community;
4. The Disclaimer at the end of each posting is there for a reason and by very simply reading it and taking on board what it says should indeed explain very simply how the blog operates;
5. As stated previously, all postings here are sourced from 3 independent medii, and only once such are verified are they posted;
6. All postings are here on this blog for a purpose - to inform and encourage debate amongst all and certainly not to cause people to feel that I am in any way either encouraging or dismissive of Church doctrine;
7. My personal clerical life is separate from this blogspot which I consider to be an outlet for encouraging debate and questioning amongst all which can be only a good thing.
I again continue to welcome comments, criticisms, suggestions and contributions from all and advise when submitting as to whether you wish your piece to be published.
Otherwise, continue to enjoy this blog...
Sotto Voce